But it ain't,I have a family

Just today I got to talk to my cousin Diane,I have been drifting further and further out for such a long time and my cousin got in touch with me,It reeled my heart how bad I missed her."The worlds cutest cuz. You would know right away that she is one of "The Bealls of Caledonia."like my sister is.Ohyes I have a very fine sister.nieces and nephews who don't know who Uncle Rene is.I ought to be teaching them how to sing and play the guitar.Take them out for the best ice cream.And now they are all grown up too.My beautiful cousin is not going to allow that to go any further.My pet wolf "Snuzz" is all upset.She wants to play with the puppies,she wants to "watch the baby."Lucky I am to have such a wonderful cousin.,to open my heart as well as my eyes.

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