I Am Sending out my Prayers North Carolina And The East Coast For Their Safety In Hurricane Irene

May God watch over all of you and continue to bless you guiding you safely through the storm.Living as I do on the Gulfcoast of Florida and having witnessed the aftrmath of hurricanes that have come through here I can relate.If a cane were to come up the mouth of Tampa Bay you would witness the end of St.Petesburg,Clearwater,Sarasota,Bradenton...there would be nothing left after a category 4 storm such as Katrina,which actually was bearing down on Tampa Bay.If you are ordered to evacuate please do so,do not sit in a bar and get drunk to "Ride it out" that bar may be under 25 feet of water in ten seconds.You can have a nice little party on higher ground.The islands of the carribean are better equipped to ride out these storms because when construction was done it was in anticipation of these stroms,the bulidings are concrete with concrete roof and built 30 feet into the ground.Not so in the USA,many frame houses and even the concrete one's have wooden truss roofs so as soon as your windows get blown out your roof is history and the vaccum pulls you up and out too.Plus you have all kinds of deadly tornadoes and waterspouts created by the storm pressure system,the world you knew is about to be turned upside down and you do not want to hang out.You have got to leave.

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