What Lead Vocal Session Blew You Away The Most?

That's an easy question,Billy Shears on "Closer And Closer."It was not a vocal composite.He did three full takes and this was the third take complete from start to finish,I was in the control room with Judd Packer who engineered and we were just fucking laid out flat.Vocal session,professional ones, are just not done like this.They haven't been done this way since the 1950's.It is not a knock on any singers,a technique was developed for them in session to bring out their best which is much different than a stage performance.We were setiing up for him to cut vocal composite tracks and he just dropped this.We were running the session from the control room and listening to where we would have to stop and The Reverand was not playing any games today.He dropped the whole track right then and there.

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