How Much Of The Auto Tuner Do You Use?

On which instrument?The reason a producer is present when I am wailing is so I don't need to use the autotuner.People are very mistaken about the function of an autotuner.It's actual purpose is to refine something in milli-seconds.Not always voice either.In session when you kick that sucker in it is going to affect something anywhere on all of the tracks in front or in back of it.So everytime you use it you must search out and correct a glitch.It is very obvious when it is overused to correct constantly an out of pitch vocalist.If you cannot carry a tune nothing is going to help you.If you are a gifted vocalist and there is maybe one tiny thing your producer needs to trim it enhances you,it is a surgical device.The great singers you hear on popular songs are great singers.Period.Yes there is technique,most of you would think it is just recorded with the vocalist doing the whole song over and over until it is right.The song is sung line by line seperately and composite tracks are laid out.The best parts go onto the song.That has been true since 1963.There is a vast difference in technique from a live to a recording session performance.

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