You Prefer The Recording Studio?

Yes.I mean I can always play live.Yet in the studio I can lay down my trip just the way I want it.I have an excellent recording engineer and producer so it is going to sound top shelf.With a single speed glass mastering lab onsite.I do most all of the music and I do that better than anyone.Just myself I am The Doors or what have you.and it lasts for as eternity.That great show I did at Tom and Sonny's steakhouse in Wichita,is lost forever.Wichita is a good town by the by,San Antonio too,not big cities like ny/la yet very cool people.Rapid City,I left there with 7 girls wanting to have sex with me as I packed my bags.My wife at that time was with me.And she said "honey these girls want to do you.If you want to go with that I will step aside and it is okay.surely the offer was tempting but I whispered to her,"I only want you babe."Wise choice for a married guy.The Hotel St.Gregory was such a cool plaee,the band would go down to dinner and the waitress would be rubbing her leg all over me.My wife saw that and kept her mouth shut.She knew that she would be sleeping with me tonight.

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